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What I Do-Inspired Writing from the Angelic Realms

October 5, 2018

I use Higher Vision, Medical Empathic skills, and Vibrational Energies of Light to help you access transformational energies to reach your new and unique abilities, gain clarity for your Divine plan, and help you clear and release energies so that you create your best life now.


What I do-

Inspired Writing from the Angelic Realms


About two years ago as I started creating a business around my vibrational energy work, I unexpectedly began receiving inspired information for a blog to help others.


I regularly receive topics and information through songs, dreams, and other unusual ways. When the topic for an article or blog comes through, I experience a special energy and sensation like a Divine presence and Angelic nudge, and that’s my prompting to start writing.


At times the blogs come quickly, and at other times I may work on them for several hours to get the phrasing and energy just right. The energy from the wording seems to be as important as what I’m writing about and there is a specific vibrational energy created with each blog.


I feel that this is a special Angelic assignment for me to do. I use my background as a healer and former career/job coach to write these articles for encouragement and help to those dreaming big and striving for their best.


I hope that these blogs and inspired articles reach those who will be helped by them and that they energize and support everyone drawn to them.


In Light, Nancy Robinson


P. O. Box 151021, Arlington, TX 76015


Sessions available by phone