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The Power of Forgiveness

October 5, 2018

If you are ready to release from the past, an Elicor Awakenings session may be very beneficial for you.

I use my Metaphysical toolbox of Higher Vision, Medical Empathic skills, and Vibrational Energies to help you access new talents and gifts, gain more clarity for your unique Divine plan, and clear blocks to your extraordinary life.

The Power of Forgiving

Forgiveness is a powerful choice and step to take when you’ve felt hurt or treated unfairly by someone else, a situation, or event. It’s easy to know that it needs to be done but you may resist taking steps to forgive if there is lingering anger, bitterness, or other strong emotions around what’s happened in the past.

Healing Benefits of Forgiveness


When you hang onto strong emotions such as unforgiveness, it can actually bind up and block important energy flow in and through your physical body. This is energy that could be used to create the joy, new relationships, and life that you really want now.


By being willing to take a first step to let go and forgive, it opens you to powerful healing Universal energies and vibrational Light which can release blocked or stuck energies around your pain. It also starts softening energies around your heart chakra leading to healthier energy flow.


As you choose to forgive and start releasing the anger, bitterness, or blame, it activates clearing for any residual energetic hooks or cords that may still be binding you to the past event on any level. Once cleared, this helps you bring your energy fully back into the present. As you do, you start living in the most powerful point for creating the joyful life that you want which is the present.


Forgiving someone who has hurt you in the past isn’t always easy but can be a critical part for transforming energies that allow you to create your most joyful and powerful now.


In Light, Nancy


The next blog: Strategies and tips to help you forgive


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Nancy Robinson


P. O. Box 151021, Arlington, TX 76015

Individual sessions available by phone.