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The Power of Forgiveness; Starting the Forgiveness Process

October 5, 2018

Starting the Forgiveness Process

I use my Higher Vision, Medical Empathic abilities, and Vibrational Energies of Light to help you access transformational energies to reach your new and unique abilities, gain clarity for your special Divine plan, and help clear and release to create your best life now.

Call today for a free consultation to learn more about an Elicor Awakenings session.

The Power of Forgiveness (continued):

Strategies and Tips to help You Forgive:

Be willing: Just being willing to forgive can start activating the healing process. Begin by asking for the other person’s good and for them to have what you would want for yourself. Although difficult to do if you feel hurt or wronged by someone, this helps shift lower energies of anger or bitterness to higher levels of compassion and unconditional love. These higher vibrational energies start cleansing and clearing hidden layers of anger or pain and release other blocked and stuck emotions to help you move forward.


Ask for your healing: If you’ve done all that you can but strong feelings still linger, ask for Higher Angelic help and for a spiritual healing. Ask your Higher Power to clear root causes of the pain and emotions. Call in powerful energies of Golden healing Light and ask to cleanse and clear any remaining residue wounding from what has happened. Universal assistance is always close, so ask for extra help and healing.

Pray: To activate deep forgiveness, try consistently praying for the other person’s good. Prayer is a powerful tool that can reach beyond mental and emotional resistance for deep healing. Deliberately asking for the other person’s good activates higher levels of receiving for you and clears negativity around the situation. It can also help you stop focusing or continually thinking of the past situation which stops its power to affect you in the present.

What can be learned from the pain? As painful as the event or loss may have been, is there any valuable information that you learned? Did you stay too long, not recognize warning signs, or become aware of something to change within yourself because of the event? Even painful or devastating situations can prompt positive change, motivate you to take a new direction, or help you see more clearly in the future. As you forgive, can you recognize any beneficial information from the experience?

Forgive yourself and learn to trust again: As you choose forgiveness, remember that the most important person to forgive might be you. Be compassionate with yourself while you heal and give yourself the love and nurturing that you would to others. Allow yourself to start trusting again by believing that the Universe is working for your good and is already bringing in something much better to replace what was lost. When you forgive and release from the past, it loses its power and hold over you in the present. Forgiveness heals your mind and heart and enables you to bring your energy back into the present so that you can begin creating a better future.

Forgiveness can take effort and time but when you forgive, it helps you to reclaim lost joy, open again to new levels of love, and begin creating the life that you really want.

In Light, Nancy Robinson


P. O. Box 151021, Arlington, TX 76015

Vibrational Energy sessions available by phone