March 12, 2020

Pushback is an energy which means to resist or challenge the status quo. In higher Universal metaphysical terms, it can be a good tool to use if you are stuck, have gotten off course, or feel that you’ve stagnated while working to manifest the life that you want.

Pushback energy means to literally push back against blocks, barriers, or the tendency to give up. It helps offset discouragement or quitting when unexpected challenges and delays happen. Now may be the time to use pushback energies to generate determination, focus, and force until you start experiencing your Divine flow again.

You have a unique and special Divine purpose, talents and dreams which are specifically yours by Divine right. If you’ve become discouraged, pushback energies can start new momentum and directions to more joy and abundance. Remember that situations can change quickly and new unexpected options and choices can show up at any time for you.

Try these for extra Pushback energy:

Change: Is it time to shake up what you’ve been doing and make some changes? What is working and what isn’t for you now? Try something different or new, especially if what has worked in the past doesn’t seem right anymore. It may be a good time now to assess and release what doesn’t serve you for something better.

Stay positive: This may sound simple but positive thoughts and spoken affirmations amplify and shift your energy. It can be challenging to stay positive if you’re discouraged or not seeing tangible results from your efforts, but it’s a powerful way to help generate higher attracting and manifesting energies for what you want. Thoughts can turn into things and with consistent positive thinking, it can be an important change to help start new energies toward your dreams. Visualizing and acting as if you already have what you want can magnetize your good coming in.

Say thanks: Another effective pushback tool is gratitude. As you express gratitude, it raises your energy to a higher level which helps attract your abundance. Try being grateful for what you have and where you are right now, but also stay expectant and open to receive even more. As you do, it signals the Universe for more abundance.

If you've felt that you haven't been making progress toward your dreams, use these pushback energies to move through any illusion of lack so that you reach your best life just waiting for you.

In Light, Nancy Robinson


I help you enhance your mental and emotional well-being and my process enables you to awaken new talents, abilities, and reach higher levels of creativity.

I empower clients with proven effective strategies for job search and career change, and use my energetic process to transform any fear and anxiety around finding the job and career that’s right for you.

I also help address and clear stuck patterns around grief, regret, or feelings of loss over past choices.


For more information, please call 817.898.9004 for a free consultation.