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Magic and Miracles, Rainbows and Unicorns

December 2, 2019

The new energies make it a good time to take a moment and evaluate where you are with your goals and dreams. The energies coming in present wonderful opportunities for allowing, creating, manifesting and receiving even more, so check and see if you are enjoying all that is available from these special and unique energies.

At a business meeting, I overheard a professional project manager jokingly say, “What do they expect, rainbows and unicorns?” meaning that they felt their employer wanted them to magically produce a product for their company well beyond their known resources. It made me think how different this mindset is when compared to working with higher healing and esoteric energies.

When I work with clients using higher energies for healing, that’s exactly what I want them to ask for. I encourage rainbows and unicorns, magic and miracles, meaning stay open to the extraordinary. I want them to expect beyond what they can imagine because we are working in higher purer spaces and possibilities with these new energies. Many times, as we work together, clients are able to open up to receive wonderful gifts of grace and synchronicity as they let go of old blocks and hurts. Many are able to allow new ways to love themselves and create receiving more. In these realms, expecting miracles and magic makes complete sense.

With the energies that we have to play with, take a look at where you are right now. Are you experiencing consistent divine flow or have you become stuck and stagnated in an area of your life? If so, the following check-list may help to identify where you can shift your energies to create your miraculous year:

Are you consistently asking for the best and highest for everyone as you work on manifesting what you want?

There are many ways to achieve dreams and goals. Focusing on the higher good and how you can reach your goals while helping others creates positive energy for manifesting.

Are you listening to your own guidance and intuition?

If you are letting other people or outside influences over-ride your own intuition, now is a good time to take steps to strengthen your connection with your Higher Self/Soul. Taking time each day to get quiet, pray, or meditate is a good way to strengthen your connection with that still small voice inside that gives you wisdom and guidance for what is best for you.

Are you doing the same actions over and over, but are unhappy with the results? Is there something new you can try to shake up the energy?

What simple changes could you make, starting today? Make a new contact or go to a new meeting somewhere. Change the route you take to work or try a new place to shop. Sometimes small changes can lead to bigger transformations. If what you are doing isn’t getting the results you want, make a change or do something new.

Are you giving attention to your own dreams and goals every day, and acting on intuitive guidance and promptings when you receive them?

It’s easy to get busy with everyday life and taking care of others. Many end up putting their own dreams on hold. Be sure to take an action each day that puts energy into your goals and dreams, even if it’s simply having a picture or dream board and visualizing for a few minutes. Are you acting on your intuitive promptings and guidance that you are receiving? If you aren’t following-up and following through, the Universe may be waiting to bring in your gifts because you aren’t ready.

How’s your self-love and self-care? 

It all starts within and healthy self-love and self-care allows you to receive the good stuff. Check for any areas of not feeling that you deserve, low self-esteem, or any need to forgive yourself. Healthy self-love sends an energy and a message out to the world that enables you to receive more of everything.

Are you living in the present moment? 

It’s true that all any of us have is the present, but staying out of fear of the future or regrets from the past can be challenging. All during your day, try asking what next best action you could take so that you are making decisions in the present that will take care of the future. As you listen to and act on promptings and guidance each day, you open up to miracles, synchronicity, and right timing. Remember one day at a time, and give yourself permission to start your day over at any point.

I hope you’ve enjoyed these tips for making this your best year, and I’m wishing miracles and magic, rainbows and unicorns for you! 

In Light, Nancy Robinson


I facilitate vibrational energy work called Elicor Awakenings which includes energy clearing and spiritual/intuitive coaching. These energies help clear on the mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual levels enabling clients to make changes and bring new possibilities forward. 

For more information or to schedule a session, please call 817.898.9004, e-mail,, or, or P. O. Box 151021, Arlington, TX 76015