Divine timing is an extraordinary Universal force which occurs by bringing about circumstances and events beyond what we could do on our own to help us create our wishes and dreams.
Divine timing is usually happening when unexpected new directions suddenly open up, your path becomes clear, or events and coincidences occur that take you to new levels of abundance and receiving.
Divine timing is always the right time and on time for your best, never too early or too late. It’s a supernatural Universal force of timing and intervention that occurs when you’re truly ready and usually happens as you reach the same vibrational energy of what you’re hoping to manifest.
It can be awe inspiring and exhilarating when you experience it, or frustrating and baffling if you’re ready for doors to open but timing feels stuck, stalled, or delayed.
To encourage Divine timing, the following can help:
Prepare: Make the time and take the time to be as prepared as possible for what you want. Make necessary changes in attitude, aptitude, body physical energies, or any other area calling your attention so that you are ready and open when Universal assistance comes in.
As you do, you may start experiencing unusual good luck or suddenly being at the right time and place. Divine timing will work in your favor to create extraordinary events, unexpected new doors opening, or miracle energies that change your circumstances very quickly.
Keep a spirit of excellence: Strive to consistently give your best. Whether anyone is looking, or you are receiving outside acknowledgement or approval, maintaining your own personal standard of excellence lets the Universe know that you’re serious and ready to receive the extraordinary. Consistently doing your best and being willing to include and help others also invites Divine timing and Higher Angelic intervention.
Thoughts, feelings, and emotions: Are you focusing on the abundance of the Universe and affirming that you can have it all or on what isn’t working or hasn’t happened? Thoughts carry energy, both attracting and repelling, so be sure to visualize what you want to happen and your most joyful dreams.
Ask regularly for your good to come in the best and highest way and include how it can help others too. When Divine timing and intervention happens, it will often be beneficial for everyone involved. Remember that the miracle you’re receiving today may also be creating a miracle for someone else who has been waiting too.
Divine timing is a supernatural higher Divine force willing and able to help you create dreams beyond what you’ve imagined. Be prepared so that you enjoy your own special Divine timing for your best life now.
In Light, Nancy Robinson
P. O. Box 151021, Arlington, TX 76015
Vibrational Energy sessions available with crystalline skull gridding:
$40.00 for a 30-minute session
$70.00 for a 1-hour session