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Why Not Me?

November 2, 2019

Why not me, you, and everyone else who is ready to live the fullest and most joyful life imaginable? It’s time for you to have all that you deserve and now is the opportunity to ask for your Divine best so that the Universe can increase energies to assist in receiving it.

Why not you and why not now to have every area of your life filled with abundance, relationships that work, radiant health, and all the prosperity that you can dream of having?

Powerful Universal energies have shifted and changed planetary consciousness to a new level. As a result, this has opened channels and special opportunities for new levels of peace, abundance, prosperity, and joy for everyone. These energies have dissolved old stagnant and outdated barriers, cleared mass consciousness energies which may have impacted you in the past, and released lower level patterns that may have delayed what you’ve wanted to create.

These new frequencies can support and sustain at higher levels to open doors for your biggest Soul-level dreams and heart desires manifesting more easily now. They can enhance creating the extraordinary life that you want beyond anything that you have experienced before.


If you’ve had discouraging outcomes or blocks and delays in the past to what you’ve wanted to achieve, it’s time to revisit your dreams or start again with new and improved visions that can now be within your reach through these new frequencies.

Make your wish list of what you want: What excites you and is your most joyful to live? Make a wish list and include anything and everything that you want to create, achieve, and would be your highest joy to manifest. No matter how bold or far reaching it may seem, you've been given your own special dreams and desires with a powerful Higher Self and Universal assistance ready to make them a reality. Ask for what you truly want, look at your list frequently, and start expecting the best to show up for you.

Are you ready to have it all including radiant health, a wonderful abundant income doing what you love, fulfilling relationships and even more? Let your imagination soar and boldly list what you want even if it seems beyond what you can reach right now. It all starts when you ask for and allow yourself to start believing that it’s possible to have. Most of us don’t ask for enough so stop limiting the unlimited and make now the time to think big to receive at new levels.

Extraordinary possibilities: Listen for and pay close attention to any new higher Soul visions coming forward for you now. Keep your heart open for bigger goals of abundance since these energies of Universal grace and miracle manifesting can help. As you do, wishes and hopes will start manifesting into the joyful new reality that you’ve waited for.

Turn it over: Once you’ve written your list and included everything that you can dream of having, turn it over and release it to the highest Universal and Angelic assistance. As you let go and keep expecting the best, it allows your good to come through these powerful channels of Light and in the best way for you. It’s time to believe in yourself and trust that you can have what your Soul is calling you to do.

Act as if: Once you’ve identified what you want, claim your good by acting as if you already have it. Would you dress, feel and behave differently if you already had what you want? Begin “wearing” the energy of your highest joy and success so that you are ready to receive it when it comes.

Creating a vision board with pictures and descriptions of what you want can also help materialize your goals more quickly. As you envision your dreams, it can help you prepare to receive on all levels including the mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual. Are there any changes that are needed or actions to take that can accelerate your best showing up?

The abundance of the Universe: Trust that miracles are happening and the possibilities of what you can have are limitless. You deserve your very best and the Universe has infinite ways to make it happen for you now. Dream big and have the expectation that your Divine plan is already on its way for you.

Why not you and why not now for unlimited abundance at every level? The whole Universe is waiting for you to allow and receive all of your best today.

In Light, Nancy Robinson


I facilitate a vibrational energy system called Elicor Awakenings, which includes energy clearing, spiritual coaching, and crystal skull gridding (on request). These energies clear mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual levels, enabling clients to make changes and bring forward new possibilities. For more information, call 817.898.9004, email, visit,, or write P. O. Box 151021, Arlington, TX 76015.

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