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Where Are You Looking?

Guiding Force Within You

March 14, 2020

Where Are You Looking?

Seeking input and counsel from others is one way to confirm Divine messages and check to ensure that you're on track for your Highest Good. Consulting a professional or a trusted friend can also help since inspired information can often come in many forms and through others.

All of this is good, but the most important and most reliable source to consistently depend on is from that deep Knowing Guiding Force within you. It’s sometimes called your Intuition, Higher Self, Divine Connection, or Higher Power. It's the most important because it’s your connection to that all-knowing Higher Soul part of you which is always seeking your Highest good, protection, and help for you.

Always Look Within

Consult your own Intuition-If you are constantly looking to others for approval, validation, and direction on what actions and steps to take, you may end up with someone else’s agenda for your life. To be happy with the results and take your highest path, learn to listen to and trust your own internal Higher Guidance and intuition over what others may advise.

What has become Your Higher Power? Be aware if you have started unconsciously putting other people, places, or outside influences over your Higher Power. Consult your own intuition and Higher Guidance for answers that are unique and right for you. Although it can be helpful at times to ask for an opinion or hear someone's view on an issue, make your own choices to avoid regrets, missed opportunities, or being pulled off your Highest and most joyful path.

Frequent Checks-Check frequently for your special Higher Guidance, Divine direction, and help. Also ask if what you are receiving is from the Light and for your Highest Good. These strategies can help your Higher Power and Guidance protect you against unwanted or destructive energies or forces coming in and will also block negative forces and cosmic jokers from attaching to you.

Universal energies are always there working for your best. Ask for the Highest Truth and then pay attention so that you receive only the best coming in to help you create your most joy-filled life.

In Light, Nancy Robinson


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I help you enhance your mental and emotional well-being and my process enables you to awaken new talents, abilities, and reach higher levels of creativity.

I empower clients with proven effective strategies for job search and career change, and use my energetic process to transform any fear and anxiety around finding the job and career that’s right for you.

I also help address and clear stuck patterns around grief, regret, or feelings of loss over past choices.

My process helps you remove a block to your gifts, address a body-physical condition, and brings forward more clarity and contact with your Higher self.