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What the world needs now is more love,

the message from Houston Spirituality this month.

August 6, 2020

This and so much more is available with Houston Spirituality, a wonderful resource for encouragement and hope. It’s a great place to learn new information and expand your mind.

My new article is also now available on with tips on how to experience challenging situations or differences with others from a higher level of love.

“Love will always guide the way”

which also includes my complimentary heart healing energy clearing

For more information about how I can help, please call for a free consultation.

I can assist you with:

  • Changing and transforming a concern, challenge, or barrier which has limited you  
  • Creating more happiness by clearing what’s blocking your money, abundance, and your best job and career
  • Attracting your special Soul partner and more fulfilling relationships and friendships
  • Improving an area or issue where you feel frustrated or blocked
  • Healing an attitude or belief that has held you back 
  • Enhancing a stronger connection to your own guidance and Higher Self and hear your own intuition more clearly
  • Clearing and changing feelings of anxiety, fear, or regret

Body physical conditions:

  • Transforming the energy around physical challenges in an area of your body that you want to change and improve
  • Energetically working on an illness, imbalance, or pain in a specific area of your physical body during the session 

Please call for a free consultation.

In Light, Nancy Robinson
