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The Ripples

August 10, 2018

Take a moment to realize how important you are and how much you impact and affect others around you. An encouraging note, a phone call made at the right time, something positive said to someone else, all have a bigger effect than you may ever know.

Many of us don’t see how much our lives touch and affect others. It's a good time to stop and notice how many others you encounter on a typical day. Friends, family, a chat with a neighbor-you don’t realize how simple words of wisdom you say or words of encouragement at just the right time can affect and help someone else. What seems insignificant to you may change a life, influence someone to take a better direction, or encourage them to make a more positive decision.

Appreciate that you touch and influence others’ lives just by being who you are. You are important, valuable, and make a difference because you’re here.


You may never fully know the energy and ripples that your life has created. They radiate out every day, and you’ve helped more than you’ll ever know. Take a moment to embrace your unique contribution and the impact that you make.


In Light, Nancy

I use my Higher Vision, Medical Empathic skills, and Vibrational Energies to help you access transformational energies for your new talents, clarity for your Divine plan, and to help you clear blocks for your best life now.

Please call to see if an Awakening session is right for you.

Nancy Robinson


P. O. Box 151021, Arlington, TX 76015

$40.00 for a 30-minute session

$70.00 for a 60-minute session