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The Powerful Payoffs of a Spiritual Program

June 3, 2019

Living spiritually is a choice that takes time, commitment and effort. It also requires a willingness to make changes and take an honest look at yourself and your life. Although this can take some work, when you do, the payoffs are powerful and have joyful far-reaching effects.

Benefits of practicing a regular spiritual program:

Not feeling so alone and lonely:

A spiritual program helps develop a stronger connection to your Higher Self/Soul, Angelic assistance, and Universal support. It empowers you as you realize that you’re connected to something much bigger. With this, you receive more inspired solutions and higher guidance which can help problems seem less daunting and overwhelming.

This connection also increases self-worth and will lessen feelings of neediness or desperation for others’ approval since you now have validation coming from within and from a higher source instead.

Negative and difficult situations diminish:

As you practice new ways of thinking and behaving, they start replacing old ineffective reactions.

As a result, others start responding more positively. New behaviors such as thinking first, pausing before responding, or waiting for Higher guidance before reacting become a habit. These healthier behaviors create better outcomes, more joy, and reduce or eliminate trauma and drama.

Serenity, peace, and joy:

Practicing a spiritual way of living reinforces that you’re valued, lovable, and worthy. This balances any tendency to live in the future (worrying or obsessing) or getting stuck in the past (regret, anger, or shame).

Present moment living creates more trust and helps you relax to allow the Universe to support you as you manifest from the powerful place of peace and serenity.

Self-love and self-esteem increase:

It increases your awareness that you deserve good and have the right to set healthy boundaries or let go of relationships that no longer work or honor you.

This healthy self-care can activate spirals of positive energy that radiate through every area of your life resulting in better relationships, more success, and joy.

New freedom:

If you have regrets about your past, amends can be made and behavior improved or changed. Guilt, blame, and shame are then healed resulting in new levels of hope for a better future. These energies create confidence which empowers you to pursue the life that you truly want.

Practicing a spiritual program supports and reinforces that you are unique and special. Instead of having to learn from pain, you start growing through joy. It helps you reach the fullness of who you are and what you already have within you.

In Light, Nancy Robinson


I use my Higher Vision, Medical Empathic skills, and Vibrational Energies to assist you in reaching your talents and gifts, gain more clarity for your unique Divine plan, and clear blocks to your best life.

P. O. Box 151021, Arlington, TX 76015

New Golden Crystal Skull energies available

30-minute session: $40.00

60-minute session: $70.00

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