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The heart of the matter:

Heal your heart energies for miracle manifesting

November 20, 2020

Have you found yourself feeling stagnated, stuck, or blocked lately? Have you noticed a restlessness or dissatisfaction and the feeling that you just don’t seem to be manifesting all that you could? These might be signs that it’s time to check your heart energies and see if heart healing and transformation is needed.

With healthy heart energies, you feel balanced and open. You’re able to radiate a calm, peaceful, and trusting frequency that ripples throughout all of your energy and helps you magnetically draw in more love, joy, and abundance.

During this holiday season with its focus on love and giving, it’s a good time to expand your heart to a new level for receiving your best. Open heart energies help you experience healthy self-love and self-care and enable you to receive love and support more readily from others. These energies enrich and deepen relationships in every area of your life and amplify luck and love.

The heart-the center of it all:

The heart area and heart chakra are known as the center for your emotions and how you give and receive love. It’s considered an important gateway to receive Universal energies for your entire system. If this central area becomes blocked by trauma, hurt, or rejection, it limits this important Universal energy flow and can restrict your ability to feel compassion for yourself and others. Blocked heart energies can impact your ability to manifest in other areas as well.

Are your heart energies blocked?

You may be experiencing diminished heart chakra energies if you’ve felt more fearful and less trusting of yourself and others lately. Isolating more and emotionally withdrawing from important relationships can also be a signal that your heart needs some clearing. If you’ve started avoiding new opportunities because of fear or lack of confidence, it’s time to change heart frequencies to a new level.

The power of healing heart energies:

When you heal the energies of your heart, it strengthens a deep sense of peace and belonging from within. Clear heart energies connect you to your own spiritual source and result in more feelings of joy and safety. Life becomes an adventure again as you relax and radiate new optimism instead of using important energy to protect yourself against anticipated hurt or disappointment.

As a healer, I’ve seen firsthand how balanced and healed heart energies create extraordinary changes. When I help clients clear, release past issues, and change their heart energies, old energetic heart scars and heartbreak from the past start dissolving as the new fresh healing energy flows in.

Old memories, traumas, and hurts begin releasing and the heart area and chakra are cleansed and renewed. Clients begin to reconnect to that special sacred part of themselves that remembers how to love and trust again. Illusions of lack and loneliness disappear, doubts and fears diminish, and new levels of joy increase as they begin feeling fully alive again.

As within, so without:

There are many ways to enhance healthy energies within your heart. You can start with a simple daily exercise of holding your hand over your heart for several minutes and visualizing pure Universal white light washing all through your heart area. As you do, ask to gently release any energies that no longer serve your highest good and reinforce the new energies with a positive affirmation of your choice.

If you are struggling with more intense levels of pain, a vibrational energy session is a powerful way to shift and change your heart energies for deeper more permanent results.

Healing stones can also restore higher vibrational energies in this area. Some of my favorites that I use frequently with clients include:

  • Green aventurine: A powerful clearing stone specifically for the heart.  It clears, rejuvenates, and activates the heart for balance and protection.
  • Rose quartz: Promotes universal love, self-love, and enhances healthy energies of loving and caring for yourself and others.
  • Strawberry quartz: A new stone emerging now and one of my favorites that reinforces energies of love, gratitude, and generosity. 
  • Rhodonite: A powerful heart healing stone that assists in balancing emotions and releasing energetic blocks and scars from the past.  

An open and healed heart is a joyful way to experience your life and relationships. It enables you to open to the highest levels of love and abundant possibilities. Healing the energies of your heart is worth the investment to create your best now.

In Light, Nancy Robinson


How can I help?

Energy Scans available:

Please contact me for a free consultation

Career Change and Job Search Scan:

If you're struggling with your job search in this new economy or feel stuck in a position which no longer satisfies or fulfills you, I help you get noticed and stand out with proven effective job search and career change strategies and help you transform hidden fears or barriers.

Life Purpose Scan:

This is for you if you feel a longing and hunger for more. It can assist in clarifying your life purpose including enhancing and discovering your unique creativity and talents for your most joyful life purpose.

Transformation and Release Scan:

If you're unable to move forward with your life because of unresolved grief or regret over a relationship, lost opportunity, or an unfulfilled dream, this scan cleanses and clears these areas of struggle and pain.