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The Covenant

September 2, 2019

A Covenant usually means an agreement or contract. To me, it has a sense and feeling of something special with the sound and energy of promise.

I’ve recently responded to my own unique Covenant with the Divine. I’ve been inspired to get to my computer each day and partner with Divine Energies and Angels to write articles that help others.

With this new calling, some days have gone better than others. At times the articles flow, feel joyful, and are easy to write. Other days it can be a struggle. I’m gaining patience, persistence, and trust as I learn to work with this Higher Presence and Angelic Energy.


Since this has the feeling of a special Covenant and assignment from the Divine, I make sure that I show up every day and am available and willing to make the effort.

What about you? Do you also sense a pull of something bigger calling? If so, are you ready to answer your own Divine Covenant?

In Light, Nancy Robinson


P. O. Box 151021, Arlington, TX 76015

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