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Staying Centered in Uncertain Times

September 9, 2020

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With all the current events and big changes to our daily lives, it’s easy to be affected by all that’s happening around us. Now can be a good time to deliberately take steps to stay balanced and healthy mentally, emotionally, and spiritually so that you live your best in spite of these challenging times.

If you find yourself feeling the effects of recent events, these tips can keep you centered and your energies flowing:

Stay grounded:

Grounding is a practical energy technique that helps you stay more aware of and in touch with your body and more connected to the earth. Grounding your energy helps you maintain your center and can help you feel calmer and more peaceful.

Ways to help you stay grounded include spending time in nature, gardening and working with plants for more earth energy, or using the healing energies of stones such as smoky quartz, black obsidian, tigers eye, petrified wood, or jasper. You can purchase these healing stones online or possibly through your local metaphysical shop. All of these can help stabilize and adjust your energies for more centering and flow.

You can also use the visualization of an energetic cord running from your base/root chakra (near your tailbone area). See it connecting deeply to the center of the earth and anchoring your energies for more peace and harmony. Any of these grounding techniques can help you feel less spacey or disconnected and enable you to be your best for responding to any challenges.

Embrace the new normal instead of resisting change:

Many of our daily routines have been altered drastically over the last few months and this can cause feelings of being unsettled and off balance. Send healing energy and Light to any parts of you that may be resisting the new or to any lingering feelings of lethargy, sadness, or grief.

Staying focusing on positive stories of people helping others in extraordinary ways, making the most of increased time with your family, using this extra quiet time to enhance your spiritual energies or doing something that you really enjoy can also help you embrace the new. All of these keep you in present moment time, in gratitude, and out of the past so that you are better able to focus on the good in your life now.

Sustain and maintain your own energies:

During these times of change, it's important to consistently keep yourself energized and healthy. Make more time to listen to healing visualizations or energy clearing meditations for added energetic support. Consider joining group events and meditations with a focus on positive outcomes and healing the planet. These uplift and sustain your own energies at new levels and keep you more centered.

Healing stones such as rose quartz, carnelian, sunstone, and crazy lace agate have happy uplifting energies which also help you maintain more hopeful and optimistic feelings about the future.

Just for the next 24 hours:

If you find that you’re getting discouraged or overwhelmed with daily news or economic reports, shift your focus to what you can get done within the next 24 hours. This moves you out of feeling blocked or discouraged and shows next steps to take that you have the power to change right now.

Also consider making a daily list of what you want to accomplish within the next 24 hours. At the end of the day, whatever you haven’t finished or completed, move these to the next day and keep listing it until you've done it. This simple strategy helps you get projects completed, keeps you moving forward, and can take your attention away from fear, doubt, and worry about the future.

Keep healthy contact with others:

Although we need to physically stay separated from others now, be careful about isolating too much emotionally. Reaching out to others regularly and connecting in safe ways can be nurturing and supportive for you and them as well. This can sustain you emotionally, contribute to helping you stay centered, and can stop you from being too lonely or alone.

This too shall pass:

As challenging as these times are now, no situation lasts forever. Staying centered and positive can keep you healthy, focused, and open to better solutions and possibilities for the future.

We’ve all been nudged and challenged into finding our own center and internal power during these extraordinary times. I hope that these strategies help you thrive instead of just surviving during these times and empower you to be more present and available for yourself and others too.

In Light, Nancy Robinson


In these extraordinary times, I help you with extraordinary solutions:

I help you address and clear stuck patterns around grief, regret, or feelings of loss over past choices.

I can help you enhance your mental and emotional well-being and my process enables you to awaken new talents, abilities, and reach higher levels of creativity.

I help you get noticed and stand out with proven effective strategies for job search and career change, and use my energetic process to transform fear and anxiety around finding the job and career that’s right for you.