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Self-Esteem, the Right Stuff

July 2, 2019

I use Higher Vision, Medical Empathic skills, and Vibrational Energies to help you access transformational energies and reach your new and unique abilities, gain clarity for your Divine plan, and clear and release energies so that you create your best life now.

Self-Esteem, the Right Stuff

Healthy self-love and feeling good about yourself is a must to experience your most joyful life. It invites good relationships and right people in and attracts the special and important opportunities that you want.

Your level of self-esteem and self-love shows up in everything that you manifest. People who love themselves experience supportive and joyful relationships which come in and stay. Solid healthy self-worth also gives the strength and confidence to you when needed for protection from destructive or abusive situations.

How do you create even more healthy self-love or change it if you aren’t feeling much of it right now? The good news is that it can be healed and improved at any time. If you’re ready to start supporting yourself in healthier ways, it can be learned like any other skill:

Talk to yourself in a new way: If you tend to criticize yourself or dismiss what you’ve done, it’s important to change how and what you are saying continually to yourself. Replace critical self-talk with positive and supportive statements. It takes about 21 days to create a new habit so practice and then watch as your new positive self talk transforms and improves the energy around you.

It’s an ongoing process: Realize that it will be on-going work to consciously treat yourself with love and respect each day, especially if you have a history of low self-esteem. New healthier habits and attitudes can take time to internalize, but the effort is worth it when you are rewarded with positive outcomes and new opportunities showing up.

Forgive yourself often: If you usually criticize yourself, learn to be your own best friend. Learn from your mistakes and be accountable but forgive yourself quickly and often. Acknowledge and appreciate what you do right and when you are successful. As you do, this sends powerful messages of encouragement to your subconscious and it starts seeking out and creating even more joy and opportunities for you.

Healthy self-love and self-care can generate positive energies which attract and draw in the life that you want. Take the time to invest in creating your own positive self-esteem to enjoy your best life today.

If you are ready to release old patterns and programs which no longer serve you, please call to see if an Awakening session is right for you.

Nancy Robinson


P. O. Box 151021, Arlington, TX 76015

Vibrational energy sessions by phone:

$40.00 for a 30-minute session

$70.00 for a 60-minute session