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Run Your Own Race

October 1, 2019

You are special, unique, and have been Divinely selected to be here at this extraordinary time on the planet. It’s my belief that each of us who are here now have chosen, and have been chosen, to assist in these powerful times of healing and spiritual awakening.

High frequencies and energies of Light continue to evolve the planet daily on many levels. You have come to play a unique and important role in the process.

You are Special: You are the only one who can bring your own unique energy and knowledge. No other person has the vibrational energies and Light exactly like yours, or can present them as you can.

The special energies, gifts, abilities, and Soul knowledge that you carry are important and needed to help the planet transform. The vibrational energies and message of Light that are uniquely yours are elevating these planetary energies to higher levels of awareness.

You are Equipped: You are here by Divine appointment with a very special Divine assignment to fulfill. What you are doing can’t be duplicated and has an important role in creating these planetary shifts. Stay focused on what you're here to do and your own unique spiritual assignment because you have a very special contribution to make.

You are Needed: Realize that you have already impacted and touched many around you and are making an important difference. Acknowledge and honor yourself often for the courage and willingness to come at this time and contribute your gifts.

Open to receive all the love and support that the Universe and higher Beings of Light are sending. Keep running your own race, making your powerful changes, and bringing Light and hope to others during these extraordinary times of transformation.

In Light, Nancy Robinson


P. O. Box 151021

Arlington, TX 76015

30-minute session $40.00

60-minute session $70.00

(by phone and recorded)

I use a vibrational energy system called Elicor Awakenings that includes energy clearing, spiritual coaching, and crystal skull gridding (on request). These energies clear mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual levels, enabling clients to make changes and bring forward new possibilities.

For more information, call 817.898.9004, email, visit,, or write P. O. Box 151021, Arlington, TX 76015.