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Recalibrate for Your Divine Destiny

March 1, 2019

It’s common in metaphysical groups to encourage being focused on the positive, say affirmations and visualize success. All of these behaviors are important to help keep your energy upbeat and attractive to manifesting. In addition to focusing on positive life-affirming behaviors, it can be just as important to be aware of and change negative behaviors and attitudes that can block or stall your highest Divine life and good from coming in.


Although it seems obvious that negative behaviors aren’t in our best interest, it’s easy to become angry, fearful, or lost when an overwhelming challenge or an unexpected life event happens. Remember that the Universe is always there to help. Just like using a navigation system when you travel, it is important to stop, reassess, and recalibrate if you start straying from your Divine destination.


Check for any of these Path blockers that can delay or pull you off of your highest Divine way:


Becoming bitter and disillusioned with life including constantly focusing on past mistakes and failures.


Many of us have had painful, challenging or disappointing events in our lives. We may have made a bad decision, lost a relationship, or missed that opportunity that we desperately wanted. Be especially careful about hardened attitudes and shutting down over life’s events. There is an energy with both positive and negative thoughts. Strong emotions around negative unforgiving thoughts and attitudes can repel and stall new options coming in.


Recalibration: For everything that you have lost, there are new opportunities and abundance waiting to open up for you. Grab spiritual tools to help such as deliberately sending love to the situation, person, or event. Allow yourself to be willing to forgive even if you don’t feel it. Just having the willingness calls Universal energies in to start the healing process. Other options might also include seeking professional counseling, grief recovery, or 12-step work.


Holding onto something when it’s best to let it go.


Resisting change when you’re getting clear signs that something no longer serves your higher good can block your Soul path and growth. The unknown can be scary, but if a person, place, or thing is trying to leave your life, it usually means that something much better is on its way. It may be time to let go because you’ve been changed, you’ve learned the lesson, or you are needed somewhere else.


Recalibration: Try allowing, trusting, and being open to the new instead of using your energies to resist. This gives the Universe a chance to bring in different opportunities and new directions. Deliberately choosing to expect the best to happen is also a good way to set up possibilities for miracles and the extraordinary.

Talking to everyone you know about personal problems and issues including new people that you’ve just met.

Are you scaring people and opportunities away because you disclose too much or make others your personal therapist? If you have behaviors that are blocking your opportunities and destiny, now is a good time to see what changes can be made.

Recalibration: Your behaviors aren’t who you are. They are expressions or actions that you’ve learned, and these can be changed. If what you are doing isn’t working for you, find a mentor that you trust who is willing to give honest feedback to you. Watch and learn from others who are successfully doing what you would like to do. Even a simple effort to be friendly and positive can improve how others perceive you and create new opportunities.

Holding your own pity party?

If you feel that you are suffering from terminal uniqueness in experiencing set-backs and pain, try changing your focus. If you have done all that you can to improve your situation, it may be time to let go and turn your attention to something outside of yourself.

Recalibration: Nothing shifts the victim and self-pity mindset faster that reaching out and helping others. We all have something that we can contribute or give. Consider volunteering or helping someone else through service work and see how fast your good starts showing up.

As soon as you become successful, stop doing everything that you have been doing that created the success.

This is a common mistake many make after starting to experience success. When in a crisis or in pain, we are usually much more willing to try new recovery behaviors, pray more, or take a hard honest look at ourselves and make changes.

Recalibration: When things start going well and your life starts working, be sure to keep doing the behaviors and making the healthy choices that helped you create the success.

If you find yourself doing any of these destiny blocking behaviors, you can re-direct and recalibrate at any time. Take actions every day to keep going in the direction of your most joy-filled life. Access that power within you and keep heading to your Divine Destiny.

Nancy Robinson

I facilitate a vibrational energy system called Elicor Awakenings which includes energy clearing and spiritual/intuitive coaching. These energies help clear on the mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual levels enabling clients to make changes and bring new possibilities forward.

For more information or to schedule a session, please call 817.898.9004, e-mail, or visit