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If you're sick and tired of being sick and tired

July 16, 2020

Call 817.898.9004 and email for a free consultation and more information.

I’m Nancy Robinson and my process, Elicor Awakenings, is a spiritual vibration that is here to assist with the accelerated changes that we’re all experiencing at this time. It’s a powerful vibrational energy process available to help you embrace the full awareness of who you are and what you’ve come to do.

My process helps you:

  • Change and transform a concern, challenge, or barrier that has been limiting you 
  • Accomplish your goals more easily
  • Assist you with proven and effective job search and career strategies
  • Attract your Soul partner and have more fulfilling relationships and friendships
  • Transform an attitude and belief holding you back  
  • Have a stronger connection to your own guidance and Higher Self and hear your own intuition more clearly
  • Experience more peace and aliveness

An Elicor Awakening session also addresses body physical conditions including:

  • Helping you transform the energy around physical challenges in an area of your body that you want to change and improve
  • Energetically work on an illness, imbalance, or pain in a specific area of your physical body during the session 

This and much more.

If you're sick and tired of being sick and tired, call now for a free consultation and for more information:

In Light, Nancy Robinson


I help you enhance your mental and emotional well-being and my process enables you to awaken new talents, abilities, and reach higher levels of creativity.

I empower you with proven effective strategies for job search and career change, and use my energetic process to transform any fear and anxiety around finding the job and career that’s right for you.

I help you address and clear stuck patterns around grief, regret, or feelings of loss over past choices by using my energy process and crystal skulls.