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How to have Hope if you're feeling hopeless

December 10, 2020

During this holiday season, if you're ready to be re-energized or just need some extra hope, these tips can help.

Hope is a powerful energy which can help propel you to reach your dreams. When you have it, it radiates fresh motivation and determination throughout your energy system, especially on the emotional and mental levels. It transforms despair and hopelessness into movement and inspiration. It’s the energy of possibilities and potential that sustains you to keep going to reach your best.

Hope helps you overcome obstacles and can motivate you beyond feelings of being discouraged or derailed. It helps you mend a broken heart, keeps you moving forward, and attracts positive energy shifts and changes at any time. It helps you persevere through setbacks or unanticipated detours so that you keep going to reach success and dreams.

This can be a time to restore yourself with the sustaining slow burn energy of hope. The good news about hope is that you can gain and enhance more of it at any time.

To activate and energize more hope, the following can help:

Find or renew your passion:

Take time to revisit and get in touch with what fills you with passion and joy again. What makes you the happiest, motivated, and excited? Even if and especially when you are experiencing difficulties or unexpected challenges, having a passion can lift your energy and fill you with enthusiasm. These energies of aliveness can rejuvenate your hope and motivation and release lower heavier energies of frustration, depression or lethargy.

If you aren’t sure what your passion is, start journaling and making a list of times in the past when you can remember feeling happy and fulfilled. What were you doing, who were you with, and what was special about the situation and events? This can reveal key elements from your past for what helps you feel passionate and hopeful and can restore your joy and enthusiasm.

Keep it simple:

Taking small steps and doing something daily which brings you closer to your joy will help manifest more energies of hope. Setting goals can also help you recognize tangible results and give a sense of progress and accomplishment. This shifts energies around a current situation or obstacle and can open new directions, inspired ideas, or other possibilities for you.

It just takes one:

One different action, a small change, and even a subtle shift in your energy and attitude can start new frequencies of hope flowing. Staying positive and focusing on what is working and what’s right in your life will keep your vibrational energy at a higher level. What may seem hopeless or overwhelming now can shift quickly with one simple action to new fulfillment.

If you need some extra hope right now, try the following:

  1. Listen to uplifting music with inspiring messages.
  2. Seek out stories and testimonies of people who faced challenges and overcame them.
  3. Post pictures and affirmations where you read them regularly, especially when you first wake up.
  4. Make a list of past successes and what you have already accomplished and look at it often.  
  5. Listen to motivational speakers for messages of hope, effective strategies, and new techniques to try. Check online sites for specials and free videos and meditations. 
  6. If you’re filled with hope and optimism now, share it with someone else who needs encouragement and words of hope. 
  7. As safely as possible, spend time working with plants at your home or in nature to reconnect with your Higher Soul and receive guidance or new inspiration.   
  8. Spend time connecting with people (safely) who make you laugh. As you lighten up and reconnect to fun and joy, your psychic energy centers activate and receive more hope and healing.
  9. Find creative and safe ways to help someone who can’t help you. This will shift your perspective to gratitude and appreciation for what you already have.  

These actions can help you change from within at any time to experience more hope. As you do, the grey days end, healing starts, and your circumstances shift to new levels of joy and wonder instead.

Nancy Robinson


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