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Happy Fourth of July

July 4, 2020

I hope you're safely enjoying time with family and friends. We celebrate this special day of independence with the added extraordinary energies of a rare triple eclipse stargate this weekend.

If you're ready to develop new gifts,

release feelings of being lost, stuck, and unnoticed,

if you are ready to release abundance and money issues,

stand out and get noticed with your job search and career change,

if you're seeking your special romantic Soul partner,

and improved love and support from others,

then an Elicor Awakenings session may be powerful for you.


For a free consultation, call 817.898.9004 and email elicorawakenings

Nancy Robinson


I can help you enhance your mental and emotional well-being and my process enables you to awaken new talents, abilities, and reach higher levels of creativity.

I empower you with proven effective strategies for job search and career change, and use my energetic process to transform any fear and anxiety around finding the job and career that’s right for you.

I help you address and clear stuck patterns around grief, regret, or feelings of loss over past choices.