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Crystal Skull Magic:

Living with, loving, and working with crystal skulls

November 28, 2021

Are you willing to try a new spiritual tool?

During these dynamic times, it’s important to have all the spiritual and energetic support that you can. Crystal skulls are powerful tools which can help you reach new levels of spiritual growth, give extra energetic support, and transform your life in wonderful ways.

The energies of a crystal skull can assist you in sensing higher levels of Light, receive important intuitive information, provide extra energetic protection, and access higher wisdom and help when you need it the most.

If you’re new to the crystal skull phenomenon, a crystal skull is a stone or mineral, most often made from quartz crystal, which has been carved into the shape of a skull. They are available in many sizes and styles and made from quartz crystal or gemstones. The skull shape is significant because it helps to create the unique and distinct energy that it emits and transmits.

Crystal skulls are now so popular that they can be found in many crystal and metaphysical shops and even through well-known sites such as Amazon and Etsy.

Are they ancient tools or a hoax?

Are crystal skull energies real? Beliefs range from those who are convinced that the ancient skulls were brought by aliens with encoded advanced information to help us, to scientists who dismiss them as a hoax or at best only a placebo effect on those who say they experience their healing energies.

The truth about crystal skull energies lies somewhere in between. I believe that it’s in the higher Guidance of each person who, like me, has been intuitively drawn to work with these mysterious and extraordinary tools. It’s also in the testimonies from many people worldwide who are buying them and experiencing powerful changes as they work with and enjoy them.

How do they work?

Some believe that each crystal skull has its own unique consciousness and personality. Many crystal skull guardians (a guardian is anyone who has a crystal skull) say that they receive a specific name for their crystal skull and feel a distinct energy connecting through it to them. They often describe the energy as a spirit, guide, or teacher from higher dimensions and feel that this guide works through the crystal skull energies to assist them on their spiritual path.

Others feel that the special energies coming through their crystal skull are actually from their own Higher Self. The crystal skull acts as a conduit or connection which helps them sense their Higher Power more clearly and enables them to access their own special gifts and abilities more completely.

Each of us gets to choose which experience feels the most comfortable. Those who work with crystal skull energies often describe it as a personal, unique, and intimate experience that is very different from working with other crystals and stones. They also tend to be very passionate about their crystal skull group and the connection they have with each skull.

How to enjoy and use crystal skulls:

There are many ways to work with and enjoy crystal skulls. You can meditate with a crystal skull to feel calmer and more relaxed. Listening to inspiring music while holding a skull can activate healing energies through your hands and energy field for clearing and rejuvenation.

If you are working on a special project or presentation, place crystal skulls around your computer for extra energy and inspiration. You can also grid with crystal skulls and other healing stones to intensify and amplify energies around something that you want to manifest. These ideas and more help you use crystal skull energies to improve and enhance your life.

Cleansing and activating a crystal skull:

If you bring a crystal skull into your life, it’s important to cleanse and activate it. Cleansing helps clear and release any unwanted, negative, or lower energies from it and activating the crystal skull helps awaken and turn on its unique energies, much like flipping on a light switch.

To cleanse a crystal skull, use sound through tingsha bells, ringing bowls, chimes, or special music. You can also cleanse it with vibrational energy work, prayer, or smudging. Some stones can be cleansed with sunlight, moonlight, or soapy water but be sure to check about the specific stone properties before using these.

To activate your crystal skull's energies, use music, vibrational tuning, holding and using it frequently, placing it with other crystal skulls, and energizing it at sacred sites or high energy locations.

Entering this special world:

Crystal skull energies can enhance and heal your life in wonderful ways. If you are drawn to start working with them, they have shown up in your life for a reason. Realize that you’ve just received your own personal invitation into the mysterious and mystical world of crystal skulls. Stay open and and allow yourself to enjoy new levels of joy and the unexpected surprises that they will bring.

My crystal skull video class replay and this article are also available on:

In Light, Nancy Robinson


How can I help?

I offer the following energy scans

Please call for a free consultation

Career Change and Job Search Scan:

If you're struggling with your job search in this new economy or feel stuck in a position which no longer satisfies or fulfills you, I help you get noticed and stand out with proven effective job search and career change strategies and help you transform hidden fears or barriers.

Life Purpose Scan:

This is for you if you feel a longing and hunger for more. It can assist in clarifying your life purpose including enhancing and discovering your unique creativity and talents for your most joyful life purpose.

Transformation and Release Scan:

If you're unable to move forward with your life because of unresolved grief or regret over a relationship, lost opportunity, or an unfulfilled dream, this scan cleanses and clears these areas of struggle and pain.