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Catching and Keeping a Unicorn

(and Your Dreams)

May 31, 2019

To me, a unicorn represents something extraordinary, wonderful, otherworldly and even awe-inspiring. Unicorns seem to mean something special to others as well because even in the business world, the term unicorn refers to something very desirable but challenging to find or obtain. It’s also used to describe something hard to catch and very rare, but well worth the effort.

On my own journey to create the extraordinary life that I want, I’ve experienced times when it felt like I was doing all of the necessary work but seemed to be chasing something as elusive as a unicorn. I’ve set goals, dreamed big, and worked on changing what was needed or what wasn’t working so that I could be ready. I sensed that what I’ve wanted has been there and close, almost reaching it, only to find one more block to be cleared, one more habit that needed changing, or one more skill learned, etc.

At times, nothing seemed to happen, and I wondered if I was going in the right direction or if this unicorn (the life that I’ve wanted) even existed or was meant for me. Then suddenly, I would meet the right people, magical important connections would manifest, the right conversation at the right time would happen, and I was encouraged to keep seeking that special and rare unicorn life that I’ve wanted.

So how do you catch a unicorn, meaning that magical and joyful life that you really want? If you too are still searching for the amazing life that you feel Soul-driven to find, the following may help you catch and then keep what you are seeking:

Some waiting may be required:

For the special dreams to happen and the extraordinary to manifest, it will usually require much bigger forces and energies to assist. Be patient while waiting on the process of other people being moved into place to help, clients being prepared for what you have to offer, and Angelic assistance for right timing. When you do, you’ll enjoy perfect timing and events flowing, unforeseen coincidences that work in your favor, and the best possible outcomes happening for you almost effortlessly.

Stay in present-moment time and thinking as much as you can each day and continually ask for the next best and right action to take. This can help make the big and far reaching goals more attainable and less overwhelming. This also will keep you focused and open to critical Divine Guidance unique and specific for what you want to create. It can play an important part in helping you connect with right information, any new processes needed, or people and groups that are important sources for your unique Divine plan.

If you want a unicorn, keep asking for one:

If you really want the life that is your deepest and most joyful dream to live, dare to be bold and keep asking for it. Ask regularly how you can create it in joyful and abundant ways. Follow through on all intuitive inspirations and ideas, even if they make you nervous, may be out of your area of knowledge, and especially if they challenge you to new levels. These energy shifts and new abilities may be critical to move you forward to manifest where you want to be. The Universe is set up to respond with support, help, and guidance to the questions that you ask and when answered, are important ways to creating what you want.

Claim your miracles:

We truly live in extraordinary times now with new energies emerging continually, new healing techniques more available than ever before, and new knowledge brought forward daily. We have many choices and aren’t restricted by what may have been done in the past. Now is the best time to have more joy and aliveness in your life so be ready and willing to claim it.

Also check consistently for any hidden or limiting subconscious beliefs or programs that no longer fit and serve you. Be sure to change these beliefs quickly so that you can fully receive what you’re asking for.

Follow your own unique path:

To catch and keep what is special and rare to you, learn to follow and honor your own path. It’s helpful to listen to new information through others and it may be a part of what you need to do, however, always remember that you have your own unique path. You have your own special Angelic and intuitive guidance available to you at all times that is specifically for you. Instead of just following what everyone else is doing, check often to see what new paths or directions you can create in the easiest most joyful way. Play at thinking of new, creative, and unexplored ways to get where you want to be.

If you keep the highest vision for your life, stay positive, and continue toward what you really want, you will catch and create the extraordinary that you seek. When you start experiencing the magic and joy of living what you are here to do, it will be well worth the effort and sacrifices that you’ve invested to create it.

In Light, Nancy Robinson

I facilitate a vibrational energy process called Elicor Awakenings which includes energy clearing and spiritual coaching. These energies clear on the mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual levels enabling clients to make changes and bring new possibilities forward.

To schedule a session or for more information, please call 817.898.9004, e-mail, the website or

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