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Angels Becoming-

But We’re Human Too

May 31, 2019

I use my Higher Vision, Medical Empathic skills, and Vibrational Energies to help you reach your gifts and abilities, gain more clarity for what you’ve come to do, and clear blocks for your best life.


Angels Becoming-But We’re Human Too

I consciously try to live from higher spaces of energy and access the highest spiritual levels that I can. I’ve also deliberately developed my Light body (a finer, higher vibrational state of consciousness) which many believe is our next evolutionary step to higher levels of Light.

It’s exciting to enjoy these spaces and it’s important for spiritual progress, but I’ve learned with my own healing that it’s just as important to embrace the parts of me that are still very human. When I’m able to accept my thoughts, feelings, emotions, or body-physical concerns in addition to the higher spiritual levels, the energies around an issue that I'm working on seem to shift much faster.

When I work with a client, I can activate high levels of energy and light for transforming their lives. This is important to help them, but if they aren’t willing to address the human-level concerns of feeling emotions, changing thoughts and beliefs, diet changes and other practical areas after the session, they don’t seem to reach the full potential of their healing.

It’s often said that we’re spiritual beings having a human experience, but what we experience at the human level deserves our acknowledgement as well. Today, strive to be your most enlightened self while embracing what makes you uniquely human. As you do, it allows for new growth and compassion not only for yourself but others too.

In Light, Nancy Robinson


P. O. Box 151021, Arlington, TX 76015

Individual sessions available by phone

New Golden Healer crystal skull energies included on request