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Allowing Your Best Now

July 2, 2019

I wrote the article, "The Power of Forgiving" when I was working on forgiving a group from my past. Forgiveness is very powerful to help release old energies and enables you to start creating a more joyful future.

I’m excited to share that Sedona Journal of Emergence has included this article in their 2019 July issue. I hope that it helps you release from your past and embrace new possibilities.

"The Power of Forgiving" is currently on my website, Elicor Awakenings:

Now also available in the July issue of the Sedona Journal of Emergence:

If you're ready to begin a joyful new future, an Elicor Awakening session may be very powerful for you. For more information or to schedule a session, please contact me:

In Light, Nancy Robinson



P. O. Box 151021, Arlington, TX 76015

$40.00 for a 30-minute session

$70.00 for a 60-minute session

New Golden Healer crystalline skull energies included